SHSAT Test Prep at Sam School..

It’s a fact that most students, even those who score high at school, do need a professional SHSAT Test Prep. This is because most 7th graders are not ready for the highly-challenging math and ELA/Reading questions of SHSAT – each of which need to be read, understood and answered in 90 seconds!


SHSAT Early Test Prep

Online test prep via Zoom with LIVE instructor.
May 4, 2024 to June 30, 2024
SHSAT Early Prep at SamSchool gives an early start and a competitive advantage for SHSAT Takers. This weekend course helps students enhance and strengthen reading and math skills for SHSAT.

Learn about SHSAT Early Test Prep.


SHSAT Summer Test Prep

Online test prep via Zoom with LIVE instructor.
July 8, 2024 (Monday) to August 22, 2024 (Thursday)
This intensive summer program consists of 28 well-structured test prep sessions. During the course, the students typically practice over 3,000 math exercises, 200+ ELA questions and numerous reading passages.

Learn about SHSAT Summer Test Prep. 


SHSAT Fall Test Prep

Online test prep via Zoom with LIVE instructor.
September 6, 2024 (Friday) to October 20, 2024 (Sunday) -- Tentative
This fast-track fall program is great for SHSAT-Takers who missed the summer test prep.

Learn about SHSAT Fall Test Prep. 


SHSAT Max Test Practice Online

SHSAT Max Test Practice Online offers over 3,000 practice questions for SHSAT to practice/re-practice all the way to the test in October / November. The LPX test practice covers ELA, grammar, paragraph development,  reading passages, and math.

Learn about SHSAT Max Test Practice. 


SHSAT Self-study Online Video Tutorials

Sam School offers result-oriented SHSAT Self-study Online Video Tutorials to prepare 6, 7, and 8th graders to get high scores in SHSAT Test. This affordable course consists of 40 structured recorded video covering both math and ELA sections of SHSAT.

The detailed tutorials offer comprehensive, high-quality test prep to give necessary skills to get high score in this test.

Learn more about SHSAT Online Video Tutorials.

Sam School (formerly, PrepMate) has been achieving highest success rate in SHSAT year after year for over a decade. Some high scores include 698 and 711.


See a list of SHSAT Achievers here.

See some comments of our students and parents here. 


This huge success is the outcome of our result-oriented SHSAT Prep which gave our students the necessary subject skills, smart strategies, plenty of practice and motivation – and – challenged them to achieve. We are proud of our achievers who are now in some of the greatest high schools!


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LPX (Learn. Practice. Excel.) Test Practice is the most effective and methodical way to prepare for tests. Click here to try a FREE LPX Test Practice.